Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tick Tock!

"I'd have to say Bali's my favorite place that I've visited." ~ Christopher Meloni

Countdown is on! Three more sleeps until I leave on my vacation. First stop is Vancouver, then Hong Kong, on to Singapore and finally to Bali before reversing that journey to arrive home.

I have to admit that I did not know who Christopher Meloni was when I saw this quote but after checking it turns out he is the guy from Law and Order, is a month and a few days older than me, and has a cool crucified Jesus tattoo on his arm. I am hoping he is a bit of a prophet. A colleague today told me that I will LOVE Bali.

I am getting excited. I think all the details are falling into place even though there is lots to do between now and Friday’s departure. This will be my last 50th hurrah and an opportunity to check Visit Asia off my life list. I think I have also done everything I set out to do in this 50th year--except maybe fall in love. I am not looking for an Eat, Love, Pray experience in Bali but my friend Celeste in Singapore tells me I should have FUN in Bali which translates into the first two verbs. Smile.

