Sunday, July 31, 2011

Alive in Christ!

"This is not evidence of a dead body." ~ Fr. Jim Webb, Jesuit Provincial

The Jesuit Congress is over. I am at the Toronto airport, awaiting a plane that will be late by at least half an hour. So much for being in bed by midnight again tonight. Sigh! The bags under my eyes may start to make me look like a dead body.

The first photo is of my small group that I grew to love, and am especially grateful for their participation which allowed my role as facilitator easier than anticipated. We worked through yesterday's questions well and even though the larger audience struggled, our spiritual conversation was a blessing. These men love God with all their hearts and wish to serve God. As the Provincial said of the whole group, there was no evidence of a dead body here.

The mass at the Martyr's Shrine was a blessing, interrupted by the collapse of one of the elderly priests. After medical aid was sought, and an ambulance called, we sang a prayer of blessing and then continued the mass where we had left off until the ambulance arrived. The man left, waving at people, so we were relieved, that he really was not a dead body!!

The mass celebrated the 50th Jubilees of three Jesuits. In this photo, Archbishop Terrence Prendergast is being smudged, as we all have been at the beginning of the masses, here in this holy land where Jesuits, donnes (laity), and Aboriginals died for their faith.

This is the end of the Congress but not of the journey in this regard for me. One of the things that I heard in small groups before I left home was that the church needs to be revitalized--that the people in the pews needed a deeper conversion. That message was stated here too. This is not a dead body and I am committed to making sure that my parish continues to be alive in Christ.



Saturday, July 30, 2011

Discernment Day

"Vow to seek always and in all things the greater glory of God." ~ Pierre-Joseph-Marie Chaumonot

Today was another full day here at the Congress. I won’t be long today but I must say that the small group processes went well, with a beautiful sharing from the other lay collaborator. The afternoon large group session went not as well but hopefully there is hope. I was asked to be an acolyte at mass (a first!) and the Jesuit bishop of Ottawa was present. Go big or go home, I suppose!

More eventually…stay tuned! I am home tomorrow night late.



Friday, July 29, 2011

Only a Pilgrim Here

"What really matters is service." ~ Father General Adolfo Nicolás, sj, in the morning session with lay collaborators

Today was yet another amazing day. After breakfast, the Father General of the Jesuits spoke to the lay collaborators and I was so impressed with his spirit of inclusivity, wisdom, and gentleness. This is a man who loves and serves God.

From there we went to the Martyrs Shrine to pray before setting out on our pilgrimage. The rain was pouring at breakfast and was still coming down as the first group set out to do the 10 km walk. I had registered for the 5 km walk. All participants were blessed with the relics before starting out. Fortunately, the rain stopped and so I made my way outside to the area where I could light a candle for both my personal intentions and those of my parish.

I boarded a bus which, I was to find out later, dropped us off at the wrong place, turning the 5 km walk into a 6 or 8 km walk, depending on whether you jumped back on a bus or not to make up time. All the pilgrims arrived late at St. Ignace which is where the photo was taken. This is where it is believed that St. Jean de Brebuef was tortured and killed. Now it is an empty field but I could feel the power of the sacred in this spot. Many of us commented on how meaningful it was to be there.

I will comment more on today but for now, I must get to bed again. Tomorrow is a very intense day with long meetings. I pray that I may lead the group well. What really matters is service and I am doing that here. Tonight I delivered a presentation in remembrance of Fr. Brian Massie which was well-received and I am facilitating the spiritual conversation of the small group I am in. Give without counting the cost is an Ignatian expression. So be it!



Thursday, July 28, 2011

Long, Loving Look at the Real

"I trust in the goodness and providence of God." ~ Fr. Baird

Today has been an amazing day. It is late and I am tired but I do want to say a few things and then fill in at a later date with more and with some photos as well. The day was spent at the recreated village of St. Marie amongst the Hurons, a historical site established to commemorate the Jesuit mission to the Wendat people. It is the burial site of Jean de Brebeuf and the other Jesuit Martyrs.

The day was extremely well organized and inspiring to travel back in time and hear the stories of these men and the community they served. I found the experience very prayerful. As well as bringing us back in time, there was, at each station, a focus on the current missions of the Jesuits. The title of this blog is a line from one of the talks today.

We also had the Father General speak to the assembled delegates this afternoon. He is a wise, humble man with a deep prayer life, sprinkled with a sense of humour and a challenge to both the Jesuits and the lay collaborators who were listening.

Tonight we gathered for a supper at St. Marie which was delicious. We each received a cross made in the blacksmith shop to commemorate the event. There was also a social time so I was able to spend some time chatting with Jesuits who have been at St. Ignatius Parish.

I have so much more I want to say but I must sleep as I am meeting with the Father General in the morning at 7:00 as he speaks to all 37 lay collaborators who are present and then go on a 5 km pilgrimage afterwards. I trust in the goodness and providence of God is a good line to end this day with.

Stay tuned for more at another time.



Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Divine Spirit at Work

"Rejoice and leap for joy, O my soul, for the divine Spirit is given to you without reserve." ~ Pierre Chastellain

The Jesuit Congress celebrating 400 years of Jesuits in Canada has begun. The participants are excited and it is impressive seeing these men gather to acknowledge their—and our—history. The divine Spirit is at work, giving without reserve.

I have seen former pastors and priests from St. Ignatius Parish, some of whom I had forgotten had been there. These men have a camaraderie that is endearing.

Tonight at our gathering we used the above quote in a responsorial song at evening prayer. The other part of the liturgy that struck me was a song called Brebeuf’s Desire: Lord, make me a servant after your own heart. I am praying that happens this week to me. I want to seek God’s heart this week.



Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Finding Joy in All Things

Find out what brings you joy and go there. ~ Jan Phillips

Vacation is a necessity in my life. I love traveling. I enjoy reconnecting with friends on their home turf. I like to see and learn new things. I think this quote captures a piece of what I like about vacation. If I can discover what--or who--brings me joy, I go there.

Yesterday, my friend Glenice and I kicked around her hometown, shopping and relaxing. She had bought a Mustang convertible earlier in the year so we had fun driving with the top down, hair blowing in the wind, and just enjoying the moment of it all.

I am getting good sleep, great conversation, and rest this vacation. Tomorrow I head to the Jesuit Congress and that pace will change but I hope that I still find joy in the midst of it all.



Monday, July 25, 2011

Playing Pirates

We are treasure-seekers. ~ Priest during yesterday’s homily.

I love the reading of the merchant who finds a pearl of great price and sells everything to buy it. I sometimes wonder what most people today want to buy with such determination. We want stuff and so we save up money and buy large-screen televisions, a second car, i-Pads, etc. There is nothing wrong with that unless we overextend ourselves and find ourselves living our means.

I am becoming excited about the Jesuit Congress that starts on Wednesday. I have been asked to be one of the facilitators which makes me a bit nervous. I had hoped to be a participant only but now I am giving a speech in memory of Brian Massie as well. The days are full, beginning early in the morning and running until 10:00 p.m. My treasure-seeking sometimes does make me sell more than what I had hoped for.

Surprises are a part of life. Yesterday as I as leaving Barb’s her youngest son, who had been pretending he did not like me for a day or so, became unhappy. “When will you be back?” “In a year or so,” I replied. “ “Oh,” he said in a sad voice, and then brightened,“maybe you could just come and live with us. That would be nice.” Ah, I thought, there is a modern example of selling everything for a pearl of great price.
What would you sell for something that means everything to you?



Saturday, July 23, 2011

Grow Young Now

It takes a long time to grow young. ~ Pablo Picasso

Going to children’s birthday parties is a great way to grow young. Today Aunt Zooey, as I am known to this particular set of kids, had the honour of joining the birthday girl in all kinds of activities: gift opening, playing with the gifts, shopping, watching The Zookeeper (what else for Aunt Zooey’s visit?), supper at Boston Pizza, eating cookie cake, lighting sparklers, and dodging water balloons. Whew!! I am tired thinking about it now.

They are upstairs getting ready for bed before Aunt Zooey reads the final two chapters of the book I have been reading every night since I got here. I have always loved reading stories aloud. I probably missed a calling as an actress. If only I had I ever gotten over my shyness at an earlier age. Ah, well, I probably use and enjoy the skills more in this fashion than if I had become an actress.

What skills do you use in ways that may be of better use than you thought?



Friday, July 22, 2011

On the Merry-Go-Round of Life

If I had my life to live over, I would start barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the fall. I would go to more dances. I would ride more merry-go-rounds. I would pick more daisies. ~ Nadine Stair

I have always tried to live my life without a whole lot of regrets. That is why I rode a merry-go-round tonight, not once but twice. The Carousel here in Port Dalhousie is a century old and only five cents a ride. The kids love it but so do I. I also tend to go barefoot more than I should and stay that way as long as I can. I don’t really pick more daisies but I do like to breathe them in more often.

Life can be a merry-go-round for sure. Lots of ups and downs and yet one can still have a desire to do it all over again, even when it makes you
dizzy. I am enjoying my time here in the Toronto area. I am looking forward to tomorrow and sharing my birthday celebration with Rebecca. The day at the park ended with a beautiful sunset that looked a little purple.

I have been thinking about the movie I saw on the plane ride here: Soul Surfer. It is really an inspiring film based on a true story about a girl who loves to surf and is preparing for a major competition. During a morning practice, a shark bites off her arm. She survives much against the odds and returns to surfing again eventually but not before she learns some valuable life lessons. I cried buckets of tears watching it, and did not care for a minute who saw me. Well, ok, maybe I was secretly hoping that the flight attendants would not get to me with a drink order until I had recomposed myself. It is a film with strong Christian overtones, and the horrible incident is foreshadowed by an opening scene where the words to a Newsboys song are repeated during a worship service, “You give and take away, You give and take away; But my heart will choose to say, Lord, blessed be Your name…” I highly recommend the film to those of you who need to be inspired, who need to find courage, and who desire to get on with life after a significant loss.

Oftentimes, in the ups and downs of life, we do not choose the downs. We can make the difficult choice of getting back on the horse though and enjoying the ride despite it all. My time here is reminding me of both the ups and downs of life and I am ever-grateful to a friend who has shared the ride. Neither one of us chooses to live in the regrets of what life has thrown at us, but we did choose to go on the carousel several times tonight. That is how I prefer to live my life.



Thursday, July 21, 2011

Long-time Friends

Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things. ~ Author Unknown

I am in Toronto where the heat wave is in control. I am with a friend and her children. They dubbed me Aunt Zooey last time I was in town. They are such good kids.

Over supper, one of them asked, “Mom, why are we using these dishes to eat?” The response was that because I was in town and she had known me for half her life. I was a special friend and hence, the special dishes.

When I think about Barb and our journey together, I am so grateful. We met on a retreat weekend for young people and she was one of the leaders of the weekend. She and I clicked, and the rest, as they say, is history. We have been through “stuff” together. In fact, during my sister’s dying she was the one non-family member at the hospital. She came in with me when the priest was anointing my sister. She stuck by me faithfully as the grief-stricken weeks turned into months. She convinced me to take a clowning class which was the last thing I wanted to do during that time. She thrived in it and went on to do some great clowning. I was able to hold onto my sanity with the balance act of sorrow and laughter.

We talked almost non-stop as we drove from the airport to St. Catherines to pick up her kids. We are nowhere near being caught up on life. The memory that comes to mind right now is having a picnic many years ago in Bird’s Hill Park, rather than cancel because of the rain. I am not sure I have many friends who would have agreed to come along and had so much fun when we did go. I have a million little things and a hundred important moments in our lives that run through my memory. I am so grateful for the opportunity to celebrate 50 years of life with Barb this weekend as we hold a joint birthday party for me and her daughter. Friendship is not a big thing to me…it is everything.



Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Good for the Soul

What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul. ~ Yiddish Proverb

Ah, tonight I laughed so hard—that kind of laughing where you want to start crying or feel like you will collapse into a heap on the floor. I can guarantee that my two friends, Jeff and Celeste, will make me laugh hysterically when we get together. They are hilarious people. Tonight was no different. We were trying to get a group photo and somehow we were laughing insanely as one of us snapped the photo and the camera took several pictures instead of one.

I had amazing conversations with folks today. During my manicure and pedicure today, I struck up a conversation with Susan who owns the nail place that I go to about the moon which I know she loves. I was saying how beautiful the moon was in Alaska with the ocean and mountains as its backdrop. She responded so gratefully. She insisted more people need to just look at the moon. In Vietnam where she is from in her grandparents’ village, every month there is a celebration of the moon on the night before the full moon. She said to me that people who seek out beauty are less stressed.

I had lunch with a colleague today and we ended up having a deep conversation about my sister’s death which she did not know about. That was meaningful to me. We did also get in a few good belly laughs during the course of our meal.

My soul feels clean tonight. I am grateful for laughter.



Friendship is the Best Ship

When we consider the blessings of God—the gifts that add beauty and joy to our lives, that enable us to keep going through stretches of boredom and even suffering—friendship is very near the top. ~ Donald W. McCullough

This week has been fantastic. I am so blessed to have so many amazing friends in my life. Tonight was another 50th birthday celebration. My friend and I went to Dubrovnik’s, an upscale restaurant in town that I have always wanted to go to, and decided that when a group coupon for half price came across my email box that I would buy it. I had a lovely meal of scallops and a delicious chickpea soup to start. A tasty rhubarb crème brulee ended the meal. Ah…then a walk in the sweltering 34 degree weather.

The whole week is really about visiting with people and catching up. Tomorrow I run all day, lunch, supper, post-supper, meeting with friends. I think what I love about the friend I was with tonight is her honesty and probing. We always have such stimulating conversations. We have suffered together, but I am not sure she ever bores me. Contrarily she often engages me deeply.

As we walked home, we decided to try and take some photos but they did not turn out…well, she may send some she took on her smart phone as mine did not seem smart enough to flash in the dark in order to get a good shot. I might post that later as it is a funny photo of me. In the meantime, you get to see the ship I was on in Alaska as it docked in Icy Strait Point.

Tonight I am going to bed thankful of the blessings that God has given which do add beauty and joy to my life. I am going to name them all by name.



Monday, July 18, 2011

A Perfect Summer Day

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks. ~ John Muir

Today my friend Gordana and I went to Grand Beach, one of the most beautiful beaches in Canada because of its glorious sand. It was a perfect summer day with the heat turned up full blast, the sky bright blue, and cool water to refresh one’s soul. I LOVE summer. I love summer in Winnipeg. I may be sitting in the dark in my apartment right now, trying to keep cool as I write this, but I would not swap a perfect summer day for anything.

I took a long walk by myself on the beach, one of the few, I am afraid, that I will get in this summer as I am away so much of it. Walking on the beach is one of my most favourite activities. I love being at the beach, seagulls flying overhead, colourful umbrellas dotting the landscape, children laughing and splashing around, and all the joys that a day at the lake can bring. Those are my pedicured toes in this picture. Walking barefoot in the sand is therapeutic even if a physiotherapist would disagree with me.

Walking along the shore today, I honestly admitted that I am very much at peace with my life right now. There are many questions and yet, I have slipped into summer mode and feel that Nature is gifting me abundantly with serenity. What a joy!



Sunday, July 17, 2011

Summer Time

In summer, the song sings itself. ~ William Carlos Williams

Ah, summer is definitely here in the ‘Peg. Humid and hot are the descriptors of the day. No air conditioning in my apartment and so I am waiting for the cool night air to creep in to the third floor where my computer is. The second floor is where the bedrooms are, thank goodness.

I spent an incredibly lazy day at home. I hardly went outside, making my way out late in the afternoon with my laptop to read some materials stored on it, content to sit in the shade. The photo is in Port Coquitlam where I had a walk with my cousin one night when I was there visiting her. Looking at it makes me feel cooler since the temperature dropped several degrees when she and I entered the forested area.

Summer always seem so easy to me. I love just hanging out. Tonight I met two friends before mass at a nearby gelato place and caught up on the news. The church was an easy bake oven—most of us were well-done by the end of mass.

Tomorrow it is supposed to be 35 degrees and I hope to make it out to the beach, my one time in July since I will be away for most of this month or otherwise occupied. I look forward to a long walk on the shore, soaking up some rays and breathing in tranquility.



Saturday, July 16, 2011

Blog Posting 200!!!

Remember, a dead fish can float downstream, but it takes a live one to swim upstream. ~ W. C. Fields

As my brother nears his 2000th blog, I write my 200th tonight. Hard to imagine that I have managed to keep a fairly dedicated approach to this blog, even if I write only a paragraph of rambling! I have been at this now for 6 ½ months. Woohoo!! It has been fun and a joy to write everyday with a purpose in mind.

This photo is of a window in the library in Juneau where I went to check email during the cruise. The salmon industry, of course, is a way of survival for many in Alaska. I watched some run later in the trip, in a little creek in Ketchikan, being chased by a sea otter, which seemed to have a voracious appetite.

There was something about this stained glass window that made me smile. Perhaps the quote above was what I was subconciously thinking…these salmon come with intent and fight all odds to complete their purpose in life. It is so much easier to float downstream on all kinds of levels but perhaps then your life purpose is never achieved. I choose not to float. How about you?



Friday, July 15, 2011

God the Photographer

Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter. ~ Ansel Adams

I love catching the light in a photo. I am not a knowledgeable photographer yet—I am more fortunate with the photos I end up getting so this quote spoke to me. Sometimes, God is simply the photographer who has set up the picture and all I have to do is snap the gift.

This photo had such cool green colours in it and I loved the wispy clouds hiding the mountaintop. Sometimes when I look at photos, I recognize the gift I have in seeing beauty. I have been thinking since the cruise that I might sign up for a digital camera class and learn more about my equipment so that I can use the gift to inspire people. One of the commitments that I made at the end of Stephanie Staples session was to make cards for people—maybe even sell them. I started that last year and it has been well-received so I feel confident enough to venture out and see what transpires.

Tonight I was over at my friends’ home for supper and afterwards showed them my photos from the Alaskan Adventure. Jake had actually helped me buy my current camera so I am grateful to him for that. He and Roberta were very affirming tonight looking at my shots, many of which God lined up and said, “Go ahead and capture my Creation for all to see and be amazed.”



Thursday, July 14, 2011

What's in Your Hands?

Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have we will not be happy -- because we will always want to have something else or something more. ~ Brother David Steindl-Rast

While on the cruise, I was amazed by this couple who did aerial acrobatic dancing. They were breathtaking in places, so magical and spellbinding to watch at times. You can have a glimpse at this link and see for yourself. Their show was entitled Journey and I was impressed by their tale of love and romance, struggle and success, and disappointment and determination. They seemed to have understood that gratitude is the key to a happy life and they held in their hands, both literally and figuratively.

Today was a busy workday. I am satisfied with the fundraising work that was done. I still have to count the final tally but it is somewhere in the $500 mark which is pretty good for the effort expended. I certainly cannot complain and I am thrilled that some of the winners were very deserving of their prizes.

I had a surprise at work when I was asked to do a short assignment at the end of the day. It was hugely successful and a great bonding experience with one of the new staff. I drove home smiling. Gotta love last minute events that make you happy.

I better get to bed early tonight after last night’s lateness!



A Laugh a Day

A day without laughter is a day wasted. ~ Charlie Chaplin

Tonight I gathered with others to send our friend Karen off to her new life. She is heading back to her birthplace of Newfoundland to retire. She has been such an amazing colleague. I know I will miss her greatly in the field, but equally as much as a friend.

One of the things I love about her is that despite a real serious side, Karen knows how to laugh. I cannot imagine her ever wasting a day. Tonight was no different. We all laughed lots. She also loves to dance so dance we did!
In fact, the evening ended with a dance contest.

We had a fantastic meal—there goes the weight I lost last week!!
We started with appetizers, moved to mojitos, and then served dinner. We danced, we jumped in the hot tub, and then danced some more. Whew!!

I have to work tomorrow so I am not sure why I am still awake. I need to hit the sack but I sure have a smile on my face as I do. It was a great party and I know Karen will long remember it.



Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Step Out of Your Zone

I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it. ~ Pablo Picasso

I am back at work this week but I do keep some of the lessons I learned on the cruise in the front of my mind. This photo from Icy Strait Point makes me think that sometimes the road seems impossible but there must be a way to get to the destination. Even though this broken pier seems to go nowhere, life grows at the far edge of it.

Today at work, I was busy with my fundraising role, selling t-shirts. At the beginning of the day, a colleague wrote in an email, that if I sold $700 worth of shirts today, she would be impressed. I was pretty sure that I could do that. I am a little less sure about tomorrow’s silent auction but am hopeful that we can make our money back plus make a wee profit. Fundraising is something I would say is not my forte but I said yes to the position because I am trying to choose to do things outside my comfort zone in order to learn new things.

By the end of the lunch hour we had already sold enough t-shirts that we broke even. By the end of the day we had sold over $700 worth of them. I have to admit that I was pretty proud of the work that we had done. Perhaps by the end of the week we will have a good sum of money in the bank.

I love stepping out into the unknown with faith and getting an awesome result. Like this shot of the rickety old pier, life can appear where you least expect it. How about you? When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone and had a surprisingly fantastic outcome?



Monday, July 11, 2011

End of an Adventure

Everything we do should be a result of our gratitude for what God has done for us.
~ Lauryn Hill

I stood outside on the top deck one night, alone in the encroaching darkness and stillness, and received the joy of the gift of that moment. The sun setting, the moon rising, and the coolness setting in caused me to draw in a deep breathe of gratitude.

The Alaskan Adventure has come to an end. I am home now, laundry done, groceries bought, and ready for work tomorrow. Though not a perfect vacation by any means, I still rejoice in many memories that I have. I saw some spectacular scenery and met some interesting people. I learned many things. How can I not be grateful?

I said to my sister tonight that I did not get seasick and laughed about a few stories related to the roughness and how one night the drawers to my night table opened and closed several times but I slept soundly through it all.

I took a moment to step on the scale tonight and much to my surprise, I appear to have lost a pound. Must have been all those stairs on the ship!! Thanks for small miracles and for giving me eyes to see them.




Friends are friends forever. ~ Christian song

Some friends you never tire of. My friend Shelley is like that. I met her through my cousin Kathy and loved her dearly. She and her friend John picked me up from the pier and we had brunch in Gastown before heading through White Rock. We decided to have an ice cream on the way home. The beach there is beautiful.

We spent a great day together, chatting lots but also going to deep subjects. It has been a blessing to be here. The hour is late and I must sleep.



Sunday, July 10, 2011


There are signs's up to you to choose to see them. ~ from a card chosen at the Stephanie Staples session today

Today was the second session with Stephanie Staples. This morning we continued to work harder on ourselves than anything else exploring what is easy or hard for us to do. She then had us do affirmation sentences for two minutes: I am joyful, faithful, fun or I love to laugh, I listen well, and I live fully. Try that as a bit of an experiment one day and see how far you get before running out of steam. I feel blessed that I came through my 50th birthday celebrations where people had shared some of these sentiments with me so the thoughts flowed pretty easily for me.

Part way through the morning, we spotted dolphins playing on the side of the boat, diving in and out of the water. When I went outside to snap a few photos I noticed a couple so intent in doing their Sudoku puzzles that they did not see the dolphin dance right in front of them. Life is like that sometimes. Like the quote above that I selected in the session this morning, I think we need to choose to see the blessings that are presented to us sometimes.

Now I am poolside in the sun, soaking in its warmth. The wind has picked up though so I may need to jump back into the hot tub to warm up. An alternative might be to go to the Spa and try out those ceramic heated loungers. Those would be nice here by the pool.

It is the last day here on the ship. We arrive tomorrow at 7:00 in the morning and should be off the ship by 10:30. Shelley will pick me up and bring me to my beloved Crescent Beach. I love that place—its rugged beauty stirs my spirit. I hope to also spend some time with Therese and Gilles. I look forward to that day too, celebrating with them the journey we have together.



Friday, July 8, 2011

Live Your Life

There is no greater joy than living the life you were meant to live. ~ Edmund Blake

I sometimes wonder if I was given a chance to live portions of my life over, how much would I change. I don’t really have too many regrets. All that has happened has made me who I am. This trip too is helping to form me, to make me realize things about myself and to create within me a gratitude for the gifts given.

I got up early today to see if I could see any of the whales that the Naturalist on the ship had promised. I did not see any but I did see them blowing water. They stayed hidden beneath the waters. I saw several eagles throughout the course of the day. They are such regal creatures.

I stalked one in a tree in Ketchikan, getting as close as possible, given the fact it was up in a tall pine tree. I think one of the things I know about myself is how much I love to be in nature and what a joy it gives me to see Creation in its own element.

Today was also shopping day. I bought a few presents—gifts for my parents and myself. Really there is not a lot of stuff here that interests me that is within my price range. I am not really a diamond girl and there are lots of jewellery stores. I must confess that I did let a saleswoman convince me to try on a blue diamond ring in Juneau. It looked rather nice on my finger!

Now twenty years later I am living out a dream that grew in my spirit from looking at photos of a woman who lived with the Sojourners Community. I believe that there is no greater joy than honestly living the life you were meant to live. Tomorrow is the last full day of the cruise before arriving early back on Sunday. This dream has been realized—on to the next!



Heaven is Now

All the way to Heaven is Heaven. ~ St. Catherine of Siena

Today we spent the day in Juneau. It was a glorious, sunny day when we set out to the Mendenhall Glacier. I thought we might need to layer but I found myself taking off clothes as we neared the Glacier, instead of adding them. The walk was scattered with wild flowers and pretty, shiny rocks. The Nugget Falls could be heard in the distance. The icy blue glacier beckoned us closer. The ice chunks in the sea were breathtaking. I loved especially the frizzly ice. Yes, I made that word up just now. It seems to freeze and sparkle and the word I thought of when I looked at it was frizzle which I realize is not a combination of those words.

From there we returned to the ship for lunch before going up 1,750 feet to Mount Roberts by tram. The view of Juneau and the area was gorgeous. I watched a blind bald eagle which was on display for awhile before feeling sad that it was caged.
It was beautiful as you can see, until you got a look at its disfigured eye and knew that its wings were clipped so that it could not fly.

Heading up the mountain, we ran into the Scottish sisters that we met one night at supper so we hiked together up to the Cross that was on top of the mountain and honoured a Jesuit, of all people, who loved this land and its beauty.

Tonight was the second formal night, which included lobster and baked Alaska on the menu. I walked upstairs to take a few photos of the sunset, throwing my fleece over top my fancy dress. The moon was out, peeking over the mountaintops. Really, one thing that has become very clear to me on this trip is that I expect miracles and blessings as my default. I am grateful for each step towards Heaven and I know that while I am here, God is providing me with a sampling of the Glory to come.



Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wash Day

Keep close to Nature’s heart…and break clear once in a while, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean. ~ John Muir

I am on limited internet while aboard the ship and so if I used this quote three days ago, forgive me.

Today was a spectacular day. The ship made its way through icy fields to stop a few miles from the magnificent Hubbard Glacier.

There is something breathtaking about the blue, shimmering ice that indeed washes your spirit clean. You cannot stand in the purity of a moment like that and feel less than anything miraculous. God is such an amazing Interior Designer.

I was lucky enough to be beside a man who with an incredible zoom lens could point out the seals as we approached them. Sometimes they were on a floating bed of ice; other times, they would poke their heads through the choppy, chilly waters to have a look at us, as curious it seems as we were staring back at them.

The chunks of ice made me remember the scene in The Titanic after the ship hit the iceberg and it gave me a total appreciation of what those frigid waters must have been like on that fateful night.

I spent a relaxing afternoon, watching some guests take the polar bear plunge in the pool filled with the icy waters , dining on a scrumptious lunch of meatloaf (I know but I love meatloaf!) and salads, followed by chocolate ganache, and then a dip at last in the hot tub and lounging poolside until the sun disappeared behind a cloud. Now I am completing this blog before it is too late. I have been spotted a couple of times by other guests, apparently, sitting on a staircase late at night in a Wi-fi spot, trying to get this out as my roommate goes to bed.

Tonight after supper, a magician is performing. I have met a group of Deaf people from Saskatoon on the trip and they want me to meet their interpreters. The Deaf people are lovely and we know several people in common, not the least of which is my long-time colleague, Mar. After the performance, if I still have energy left, I may go to the 50’s and 60’s dance. The band is not great but nonetheless, I would not mind dancing a bit on this trip.

Tomorrow we are in Juneau. Stay tuned!


Beauty and Bread

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul. ~ John Muir

The days seem long here. I awoke and grabbed some breakfast on the deck alone. The sun was trying to shine so I shot a few photos. From there I went to the Catholic prayer time. Three other women showed up: a woman from Lisbon and sisters from San Francisco. We had a lovely opportunity to share prayer and the daily readings together before chatting a little about ourselves and our countries. It was a great way to start my day.
I went down to see if Sandy was up yet and then joined her on the deck as she had breakfast. We sat with some other people from Winnipeg that we have met and had an entertaining conversation. Some of us decided to go to a presentation on how to increase your metabolism in the Fitness Centre. I found that very interesting and helpful.

Sandy and I spent some time walking around the ship until the rain started. We had our first day ashore later in the afternoon in Icy Strait Point, a quaint little town that is in a rainforest. That is our ship in the background of this photo. Lots of people saw whales today but I did not. I did spot an eagle in the Strait, unsuccessful in its fishing venture. It flew into a tree and I managed to get a couple of good shots before the camera showed a message saying that there was an issue with the zoom lens and that I had to turn the camera off. I will be an unhappy camper if it continues to malfunction. I suspect it got slightly wet in the rain earlier today.

AS I reflect on this day, the quote seems to ring true for me. The beauty of this place, the amazing food that this cruise ship provides, the rainforest to play in, the space to pray in, and the healing nature provides while walking along the water. Truly my body and soul rejoice in this experience.



Monday, July 4, 2011

Work Hard

Work harder on yourself than anything else. ~ Stephanie Staples in today’s session

Stephanie had used this motto during her presentation at my workplace earlier this year and it resonated with me then as it did today. As I celebrate my half century of life, I do believe that in recent years I have been diligent about doing my inner work. Last year I hired a coach to help me with some professional decisions. I have done some healing work with prayer teams. I have been to all sorts of medical professionals to seek physical wholeness. I have done some spiritual exercise. I have tried to be brutally honest with myself as I do it all. I do think I work pretty hard on myself, pushing into realms that need to be explored and refurbished. I believe though that the work is never-ending.

Today was a great day to do the session. It is raining and the waters are rough. During the waltz lesson, we looked like drunken marionettes, sloshing around the floor, as the ship rocked back and forth. The schedule on the ship is packed full of events from dance and art lessons to speakers and musicians to basketball games and Olympic playoffs. Never a dull moment for those who wish to be engaged in something!

As I type this, I am on my Netbook, outside the Martini Bar where there is a Trivia game about to begin. The bartender just finished entertaining everyone in between activities with card tricks. Earlier today I went to hear the Naturalist give an overview of Alaska, commenting on the difference between black and brown bears (have a look at their back molars), where to see humpback whales on the cruise, the number of eagles who were killed at one point in Alaska to preserve salmons (128,000 or so), and the retreat of the glaciers with the exception of the Hubbard which is advancing. I found him knowledgeable and entertaining and may try to catch him again. I caught an upbeat A Cappella group performing. I am trying to find a good balance of trying new things and going to activities with rest and relaxation. It is already a challenge on Day 2. Today would be an excellent day to submerge myself in the outdoor hot tub or lounge on one of those heated ceramic tile loungers in the Spa.

Right now the sea seems to be less turbulent. Several people are seasick so I am glad I am not. I do feel a little queasy at times. Hopefully, this will pass without too much incidence. I know some of my family members would be tossing their cookies right now.

What are you doing today to work harder on yourself?



Grace for the Journey

We hold our breath for grace. ~ Sharon Smith from Tenth Church in Vancouver during morning sermon

Wow!! It seems like a long time since I woke up this morning. I had breakfast with my cousin and her family before they dropped me off at Sandy’s place. Sandy and I went to her church in downtown Vancouver where a sermon on grace was delivered. Grace was defined as an undeserved favour or God acting in goodness. I liked that definition. It is less heady than most I have heard. The readings were from Genesis and Sharon used Abraham as a model of grace. I felt challenged when she said that the call was not just for Abraham but for his people, a blessing for his nation. I may have to think what that means for me. She had us consider in three places the question, “What is this grace?” I have to ask that question of myself in this jubilee year.

Sandy and I were onboard the Celebrity Century by shortly after noon. We were treated to champagne as we entered the ship. I think we will be blessed this trip, with many graces. We had a two-minute massage in the spa and lay on these amazing, ceramic tile, HEATED loungers there. Where can I get one for my living room??

We have mostly wandered around the ship, though we took time to sit outside and enjoy the sun today as we are not sure how many sunny days we will have. We had a magnificent lamb supper, followed by crème brulee. We caught the early show and took a walk on the deck to catch the sunset, something that we won’t always have the opportunity to do with 23 hours of sunlight in Alaska.

I am excited as Day 1 of the journey ends. “What is this grace?” I must ask, at junctures of this journey. Tonight, I do feel as if I hold my breath and wait for the undeserved favours that will come my way in these next seven days.



Saturday, July 2, 2011

Canoe Adventure

The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure. ~ Joseph Campbell

Today was a wonderful day. After a leisurely morning, Kathy, her family, and I went canoeing down a river near where they live. It was amazing to be in the city but not feel like it. We paddled a ways and then at one point we all got out on the way back and took a break. As we were chatting we realized that the canoe was drifting off so Jay had to dive in after it, rescuing it and returning it to the shoreline. Ah, a wee bit of an adventure to spice up our day!

I have not forgotten how beautiful BC is but I have so appreciated that nature is so close to the city. Within minutes you can be walking in an old forest or on the ocean, depending on where you live here. l love that!

Today is the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, followed by yesterday's Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In prayer this morning, I asked for a pure heart. Let it be so, Lord in all that I do, say and think.



Friday, July 1, 2011


In a world where you can be anything, be yourself. ~ from a poster in my cousin's home

Ah...sometimes, you know when you can just be yourself. My cousin is a sanctuary for me--always has been. Here in her home with her family, I can feel my soul re-settling, finding its centre. I love our talks, her kids, her husband, and her lifestyle. We have had some amazing conversations already, catching up on our lives, laughing, listening, and just being. I appreciate being here before leaving on my trip.

We dropped her oldest daughter off at her first summer camp, and then came home and laid on the hammock in the sun which finally decided to show up today at supper time. We are just about to settle into watching The King's Speech for the night. All is good.

