"We are infinitely more than we think." ~ Kahlil Gibran
The topic in class that night was: I am worth _______. We had to fill in the blank. My answer was everything. Someone else's was more accurate though--more than I think. That resonated within me. What surprised me was the response of one of the males. He did not know his own worth. He is someone I have a lot of respect for and I would never have guessed that he would have said that.
More and more I realize that humans are insecure and we do not know our own worth. We do not realize that we are wondrously made and are such gifts to this world. Our purpose is not to play a small part in life as it unfolds but our part which is magnificent and needed. We all need to believe our worth. The world awaits that which we bring. Trust that the gift you have been given is more than you think it is. We do not always see the outcome of what we bring and so we do not know how we plant seeds that flower into beauty that is priceless.
When was the last time you did something that you had an inkling was going to be much greater than what you could see?
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