"Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." ~ John 20:21
Peace is a cherished word for me. I sign off my blog posts with it because if I could wish someone anything, that would be it. The Psalmist today encourages us to be glad in this day that the Lord has made. I see joy and peace linked inextricably. With peace, joy will come.
Jesus appears amongst the apostles today and wishes them peace. All but Thomas are there. Poor Thomas! He must have been so frustrated to learn he missed this event. I am sure his peace was undone when he heard that the others had seen the Risen Christ. How often do we let our peace unravel rather than be happy for the opportunities that others have? When we doubt ourselves and the circumstances we find ourselves in, once again peace crumbles. If we wish others well and trust that all will be well, peace rules in our hearts.
Peace, Jesus reminds us today, is not meant to be kept just for ourselves. The Risen Lord sends us out to share that peace so that all may know it. He breathes on his disciples and bestows upon them the gift of the Holy Spirit. Peace I give you; peace, I leave you. This peace is a gift unlike any other we receive. I end as usual.
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