When you take a conscious part in life and its multitudes of choices, you won't let life happen to you - you will make life happen for you.” ~ James Van Praagh, Ghosts Among Us: Uncovering the Truth About the Other Side
We have choices to make every second of the day. Do I hit the snooze one more time? Can I get a workout in before heading to the office? Does it matter if I do not get around to brushing my teeth after breakfast? What should I wear to work today? Do I let that person into my lane en route to work? Do I chat with my colleague for a few minutes and try to make up the time later? Do I remember to thank my Maker before noon for all the blessings that I have received already this day?
While walking back to my friend's condo one afternoon via the beach in Mexico, I was pondering Ann VosKamp's gratitude gifts of the day: three gifts uncovered. I was thinking about the conversation I had had with the artist Borsan and how he uncovered my soul in our chats, of how he could see my spirit and my longings. The second gift of uncovering came minutes later when a beach umbrella was caught up in the wind and went flying past me down the beach. I watched it zip by and then decided I should run after it to try to catch it. The "uncovered" owner was sprinting behind me, attempting to retrieve it too. Another man dashed from a different angle to assist too. We must have made quite a sight because most of the people on the beach were laughing which made me laugh too, especially when the umbrella, now rolling down the sand, neared two young boys whose eyes grew large watching it approach. Miraculously it leapt over them and was finally caught by the third man. I could not help but think that laughter was the right choice in that uncovering.
The third uncovering of the day was that evening at the Easter Vigil when the man could not uncover the statues, try as he may. He eventually got Christ's hand free from the white cloth but that was it. He must have felt every single eye in the church boring holes in his back but he did not give up. His persistence included getting a longer stick, still to no avail. He did not let life happen; he still took control of the situation.
The next few months will be very telling for me as I undertake the challenge of returning to school and embrace some new thinking and experiences. I am excited and some days, a bit overwhelmed by it all. I have to stay focused and look at one day at a time. Otherwise I will let life happen to me instead of for me. When I trust the One who opens the doors, I know that all will be well, even if things do not turn out as hoped for.
What choices are you making these days and how conscious are they?
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