"Faith is taking the first step even when you can’t see the whole staircase.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.
Road map, please!! In two weeks, I will be landing in Cape Town. If I stop to wonder how I got there, I would not know how to explain it to you. When I worked Sojourners Magazine, I transcribed for hours audiotapes of South African women that my friend Joyce interviewed. It was an eye-opening experience that I never forgot. Now I find myself rereading that chapter in her book with new eyes.
The first step of a journey can happen years ago and the path may twist and turn prior to arriving at a destination, which may actually not be the final resting place. The important piece is to pay attention and to trust that the way is opening as it should.
Today is the feast of the Visitation, the day when Mary set out and hastened towards her cousin, to share her joy. She did not know that her yes would lead her to a path that would require great faith to complete. She hastened then and in fidelity completed the journey laid out before her over the decades. Great joy was hers. Great joy can be ours.
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