“Blessed are you, who have come in your abundant mercy.” ~ Entrance Antiphon, Palm Sunday mass
I write this from high in the sky, winging to Puerto Vallerta, unable to attend mass on this Holy Day, but knowing that full well I will soon be among the palm trees and on the beach, a place where Jesus first gathered his disciples. I love the Palm Sunday liturgy, full of richness and symbolism and am sad to be missing it. I guess it is part of emptying myself this Lent and Holy Week and opening myself to what God has to give me.
I find my mind wandering this morning. The sun has risen now, just a short while ago it was a bright red ball, tossing streaks of colour across the clouds. I never cease to be amazed at the miracle of this simple and ongoing activity of a new day. We are flying over stunning snow-capped mountains, reflecting the glory of that sun. Centuries ago, perhaps Christ arose quietly and watched the sunrise on this fateful day, a day when a triumphant ride on a donkey would turn nasty and all who loved him would turn away from him out of fear.
Fear is an ongoing battle for me. I would like to think that I would have stood by Jesus, my Beloved, on that fateful day, that I would not just have rejoiced at the crowd’s celebration of finally recognizing His glory, but that I would also have followed Him to the cross. Given the track record of those who were with Jesus, I have to acknowledge that I would have been no more faithful. We are all capable of betrayal and it is only through Jesus’ abundant mercy that we can move forward, forgiven and free.
Waving palms and shouting gleefully is an easy place to be with friends. Standing with those in sorrow, pain, fear, and confusion is a place of struggle and challenge. I am profoundly aware that I am entering Holy Week this year with friends who are in the later space. This trip was almost canceled because my friend’s mother fell ill and has subsequently passed away. The friend who is joining us and I have had some struggles of our own lately. We may all deal with those demons this week as we rest, stroll on the beach, and walk the Via Crucis. We will be in good company, as Someone has shed His own blood to mark the path.
I enter this Holy Week, expectant, as I always do. I know that God has given me a gift beyond measure. Blessed is the One who comes! Hosanna in the Highest! I am ready to receive the mercy and blessings You have to bestow. Come, Emmanuel—I raise my palm to greet you this Holy Day; I prepare like those other fishermen and the women who served with you to walk as humbly as I can this Week with you. This is the reason you came; this is the faith I embrace. The way of the cross is the way to life. Keep my feet upon the path and my eyes always on you.
May this journey to the death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ bring blessings to each of you.
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