I discovered the secret of happiness is not to mourn the past
I discovered the secret of happiness is not to run too fast
You can still beat them by coming in last ‘coz
The secret, the secret of happiness is
I discovered the secret of happiness is not be afraid
~ lyrics Paul Gordon, The Secret of Happiness from Daddy Long Legs
Today's First Reading from Daniel 13 is the little-known but inspiring story included in Catholic bibles, about the beautiful young woman named Susanna, that Daniel saves by tripping up her scoundrel accusers by their own lies. Susanna stands firm in her faith and does not give into her fears. She beat these lustful men by seemingly coming in last, but still manages to win. I have long loved this story. I am inspired by Susanna's fidelity as much, if not more, than Daniel's cleverness. She is a woman of incredible strength and convictions. How many of us dare to stand in trust and depend solely on God to deliver us when we are afraid?
Tonight I attended the play on our main stage theatre, Daddy Long Legs where another heroine stands firm in her beliefs and is delivered to a better place. Another young man comes to her aid in the drama. I found it interesting that while she poured out her heart to Daddy Long Legs in letters, he could not be honest with her because of his own fears. He ends up entangled in lies and betrayal before he finds the courage to speak the truth. How often do relationships fail because people cannot believe in the truth and in who they are as they are? Can we be mindfully honest with ourselves so that we can trust the other with the essence of who we are? Can we stand in our fears and trust that God will bring us to a place of peace, acceptance and joy in our relationships?
For several years, I have committed to trying to move beyond my fears and trust that all shall be well. This could indeed be the secret of my joy--do not be afraid! Lean fully on the One who created you to be so much more. How about you, will you try to do the same in order to discover the secret of happiness?
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