“This is the night! The night in which life triumphs over death, light over darkness, boundless joy over deep sorrow, infinite hope over devastating hopelessness.” ~ Jean-Pierre Prevost in the Easter Vigil reflection, Living with Christ
This is the night of nights, the holiest of Holies. Tonight we catch a glimpse of how much God loves us and yet it is beyond our grasp. How can we understand this great sacrifice our Redeemer made for us?
I wait, here in Mexico, having slipped into the stillness of the pre-celebrations at the church, all the statues covered in white cloth. I wait in the silence of the tomb, despite vacation calling me to be present to the moment. I remember you, Lord; remember me when you come into your Kingdom.
I walk down the path beyond the church through the market and I see a beautiful butterfly, reminding me that my transformation is still in process. I do not know where you are leading me, Jesus, but help me to follow with a heart fixed on you alone. I walk further up the street and stop in at the travel agent who has arranged our wonderful outings to thank him. I continue on and arrive at Borsan’s home and gallery. I want to express what his art has meant to me. The gallery is closed but he sees me. I thank him and we decide that I should look one more time at the paintings that have struck a chord within me. I thank him and leave, heading back to the condo. I walk a few blocks and stop to look at a card in a shop when I hear, “Senorita.” I turn and Borsan is there. He begins almost humbly and apologetically. It is not about the money he says but he wonders if I want to buy the paintings. He will give them to me at a good price because he believes I am the rightful owner because they speak to my soul. He wants me to consider it and come on Monday to buy them if I think it is right. Another woman wanted to buy them for a better price but he did not sell them to her. She came five times to ask but he did not give them to her because he felt they did not belong to her.
The interesting thing is that it is a being standing before a door and this year has been about me walking through open doors into the unknown with trust, which is really what the journey is about tonight, this holy night—of trusting God and walking into the unknown and knowing that there will be resurrection. I have to decide in the next 24 hours as to whether I should buy it or not. I think he saw my soul for a moment and wants me to trust what this art means for me.
I believe life triumphs over death, light over darkness, boundless joy over deep sorrow, and infinite hope over devastating hopelessness. I believe in the holiness of this night and all the richness it holds. I believe in Love and that Love wins.
Alleluia! May the joy and peace of the Risen Christ be yours this night and always.
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