"God never tires of forgiving us." ~ Pope Francis I
On the first Sunday since his election, Pope Francis reassured his listeners that God is patient, merciful and forgiving. Today's Gospel reading shows that through Jesus and his interaction with the woman caught in adultery. He is a gentle, tender soul towards this woman surrounded by her accusers. We all have moments of wanting to throw the first stone but if we really think about it, we should hang our heads in shame or rather reach out a loving hand because each of us knows how hard it is to walk a holy path.
I went to the sacrament of reconciliation this week and when I finished my confession the priest asked if that was it. In retrospect, I guess there was so much more, but I was cognizant of the long line still outside the room and had really given only the most pressing items. He assured me that his absolution would cover my multitude of sins.
God never tires of loving us in our sinfulness. He encourages us on our path to holiness and accepts us as we are--right at this present moment. How lucky--or rather blessed--are we on this St. Patrick's Day to have a God like that in our corner? As the Psalmist sings today: The Lord had done great things for us; we are filled with joy.
Do you know you are forgiven? Can you accept this amazing reality? God never tires of forgiving you or me.
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