"Believe nothing, question everything." ~ Luis Borsan, Bucerias artist
When you meet someone extraordinary, you often know immediately. The spirit of the person seeps into you and you know you will never be the same. This was the case of the artist we meet yesterday while kicking around Bucerias. He had a way about him that enthralled us all. I fell in love with his signature "being" in his paintings. "I love this!" I exclaimed. He went on to explain that the Being was the One who watches us. We engaged in a fascinating discussion about his spirituality. I had already noticed his Spanish artist statement about believing nothing and questioning everything. He had me at that point and then as I looked more intently at his paintings, I could tell this man was a deep thinker, with a highly intuitive sense of life. The one collection that caught our eyes was two paintings and a metal sculpture--the first painting was a being standing before a large closed door, the middle sculpture was a head attached to a Being, and the second painting was the being going down a long hall, having chosen to open the door and walk through it. The piece spoke volumes to me about having the courage to walk through doors that scare us and step into the unknown.
Travel does that for me. We are walking through all kinds of doors, taking risks, going to the unknown, and loving it! I believe it is the reason I travel. I can push my comfort zone and experience newness that stretches and fosters growth. We were blessed yesterday with an amazing adventure, which included a pod of dolphins following our boat and dancing in and out of the water in our wake. Truly spectacular! We had a delicious buffet supper on the beach as the sunset and then watched a spectacular cultural Cirque de Soleil type performance under a full moon. Magical!!
At the moment, I am off to my first massage ever on the beach. That kind of newness I could get used to perhaps.
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