Wednesday, July 25, 2012


"In God's hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of every human being." ~ Job 12:10

Today our morning sessions have shifted a wee bit from teaching to sharing. Our evening groups will share with the larger group after morning prayer to seek what we are learning about collaboration or co-labouring. Today's large group session was an analysis of the major changes in the last 112 years in the Jesuits, the Church, and world. Events such as the Montreal Massacre, 9/11, the election of Pope Benedict, the new Roman Missal, the formation of CLC groups, the work of the Spiritual Exercises with the laity, etc. were brought forth as notable moments. The list was impressive.

Co-labouring between the Jesuits and laity, as with many religious orders both male and female, is not new, but how that collaboration looks is different. The internet is sketchy tonight so I must keep this short. I may lose it all in a minute but will try to finish my train of thought. As lay people take over running institutions that were previously run by religious orders, understanding the history, charism, and values are crucial. We must be ready to work with these orders as much as they are trying to work with us. The changes are not always easy.

I pray for peace tonight as we continue our talks. As with any union, great pains and history both shine and strike the heart. We will need in the days ahead open minds and spirits so that peace and goodness will prevail.



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