Friday, July 27, 2012

Beholding God

"The fullness of joy is to behold God in everything." ~ Julian of Norwich

One of the gifts I am grateful for this week is soaking in the beauty and surprises that Loyola House has on its property. This morning I set out for the Willow Dome and sat in it to do my morning prayer. I was fascinated by how I almost missed the entrance, a simple willow arched pathway. Once inside, I slowly noticed all sorts of items that had been placed around the dome, including this cross.

The entire property has these presents but one has to be attentive to them. I had walked by another little hidden prayer area earlier this week that I later found out that my friend Fr. John English had created. I discovered it by chance really when I heard the wind chimes inside and wondered where they were. The next thing I knew I had stepped inside a calming space, tall trees that protected the person inside from being seen, where I could sit and pray and be.

I have more to explore in the remaining days but I may have to come back. Rain is scheduled and desperately needed here. I may be indoors for the next while but who knows, maybe I will behold God in what I see here in other ways.

I must confess that I am moved by the dialogue occurring between the Jesuits and the co-labourers. I am being affirmed in my times of sharing and learning lots about myself and others. This week has been an opportunity to move between consolation and desolation but always seeing the Trinity at work and Joy waiting patiently to be invited in when overlooked.



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