Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Value Visioning

"It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are." ~Roy Disney

I have been trying to discern a decision about returning to school. That ended today when I applied for a letter of continuance. I love learning. I value education. I believe in investing in myself. I did not have to discern long to reach this decision.

What do you value? Why? How do you reach important decisions? What motivators assist you in making your decisions?




  1. I just read through some of your recent postings, Suzanne. You are so brave and creative and strong. I love your writing, and the vibrancy of your blog, and the fact that you are able to present yourself in this way for the world.

    In admiration ... Julie

  2. Thanks, Julie. That means a lot because you are someone who also puts your soul out there through your art. Blessings on your work too.
