"Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil." ~ Luke 4:1-2
Jesus was tempted by the devil for forty days. Why do we think we get off easy? I was at Mardi Gras last night and while it was tamer than I expected, looking around one did not have to search for temptation very hard. The outfits, the body painting, the bead-throwing, the encouragement to flash breasts, the drag queens, and the handling of partners on the dance floor. I was aware that one could get pleasure of every kind.
Jesus was tempted with regular issues: food for hunger, fame, and the desire for security. I received an invitation to be part of the excitement as I entered Mardi Gras last night that said I looked amazing. Strut my stuff was the suggestion--all about ego and pride. We often do not even know the devil is placing temptation in our path.
The evening was fun for us but I wonder how many other people went home feeling sad and lonely or regretting what had transpired during the event.
Temptations lie all around us. We are no different than Jesus with how many we encounter and how every day they appear to be. May Lent give you eyes to see what may trap you.
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