"I don't really want more time; I just want enough time." ~ Ann Voskamp
I hate feeling rushed and out of time. I often just offer a busy day up to God, asking that the details all be taken care of in good time. Bemoaning the shortness of time can be a not-so-favourite pastime of mine. The day cannot start early enough nor end late enough. It always appears that I am looking for more than enough. When will I ever be content with enough?
This Lent I have been trying to figure out how exactly to wisely and faithfully spend my time. The answer came to me recently when I read a line about fasting from FAST-ing. The author was suggesting that during Lent we just slow down. Don't hurry; be happy.
A lot can happen to our spirits as we dash around, madly trying to complete a to-do list that a superhero might struggle with. I am going to learn to breathe more this Lent but I know that even as I write this that my anxiety is high. I am not quite ready for tomorrow but I have had to let it go. Two presentations in one day creates a hectic and stressful day but I know there will be enough--time, skill, and grace.
It is not yet tomorrow and after deciding I did not have time to write this blog posting, I see that I have completed the task anyway, with enough time to spare. See what happens when you let go!
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