This blog is a way to celebrate half a century of a joyful journey. My hope is to inspire others to write their own stories and to see the value of one life to our world.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Tree Sculpting
"There are very few people who realize what God would make of them if they abandoned themselves into his hands, and let themselves be formed by his grace. A thick and shapeless tree trunk would never believe that it could become a statue, admired as a miracle of sculpture, and would never submit itself to the chisel of the sculptor, who sees by its genius what he can make of it." ~ St. Ignatius of Loyola
We rarely catch a glimpse of ourselves and what God sees when admiring the created. We see the flaws and limitations but God sees the beautiful essence of each of us. We are perfect in the eyes of the one who Created us, who sculpted us into an exquisite design. We tend not to let go and let God sculpt us into the masterpiece that we are. Rather we shake our heads and murmur, "I am not enough" or "God cannot use me." Why do we insist on thinking so small? When can we dream big and believe that so much more awaits us? What will it take for each of us to move to a place of ego-less acceptance?
May God sculpt us into a magnificent gift that the world needs and may we trust the process without sabotaging it.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Filling Your Vessel
"If you take it out of the fountain to drink, the vessel is soon empty. But if you hold your vessel in the fountain while you drink, it will not get empty. Indeed it will always be full." ~ Catherine of Siena
This was the reading in evening prayer tonight. Every couple of weeks, I meet a friend and we pray together for our needs and the needs of those people in our lives and in the world. I realize upon reflecting on my day that this event keeps my vessel in the fountain. I won't run on empty if I am held accountable and strive to be faithful to my spiritual journey.
I am grateful tonight for the vessel in the fountain and those that help me hold it there. I am also joyfully blessed by the ones who clink my glass with theirs as we stand in the cool refreshing waters of that fountain.
Who in your life sustains you?
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Out of Nothing
"God created the world out of nothing, and as long as we are nothing, God can make something out of us." ~Martin Luther
We are funny creatures. The Creator has made each one of us good, but feeling that in the depths of our soul is not always possible. Tonight, as exhausted as I am after a very long day, I see how God used me this day and made something out of nothing.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Enough Time
"I don't really want more time; I just want enough time." ~ Ann Voskamp
I hate feeling rushed and out of time. I often just offer a busy day up to God, asking that the details all be taken care of in good time. Bemoaning the shortness of time can be a not-so-favourite pastime of mine. The day cannot start early enough nor end late enough. It always appears that I am looking for more than enough. When will I ever be content with enough?
This Lent I have been trying to figure out how exactly to wisely and faithfully spend my time. The answer came to me recently when I read a line about fasting from FAST-ing. The author was suggesting that during Lent we just slow down. Don't hurry; be happy.
A lot can happen to our spirits as we dash around, madly trying to complete a to-do list that a superhero might struggle with. I am going to learn to breathe more this Lent but I know that even as I write this that my anxiety is high. I am not quite ready for tomorrow but I have had to let it go. Two presentations in one day creates a hectic and stressful day but I know there will be enough--time, skill, and grace.
It is not yet tomorrow and after deciding I did not have time to write this blog posting, I see that I have completed the task anyway, with enough time to spare. See what happens when you let go!
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Land of the Living
"I believe I shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." ~ Psalm 27
I have been hinting about exciting news for a few days now and this second Sunday of Lent seems like a perfect time to announce it. The transfiguration is a meaningful story for me. Today we see Jesus with Peter and the other disciples on the mountaintop. Jesus is praying and he is transformed, his clothes sparkling brightly like moist snow on the trees against a blue sky. I love those glory days of winter when the snow shines like diamonds in the air. I imagine Christ was even more dazzling in that moment. What a sight that must have been to behold!
Events can change us and the outcome of this news I suspect will transfigure me too. I have decided to return to university for a fourth year of conflict resolution studies as I may have already mentioned. The news though is that my first two courses are related to South Africa. The first is a reading course; the second is a field course that will have me travel from Capetown to Johannesburg via Soweto and Pretoria, tracing the horrors of Apartheid and the good that has come out of it. Yes, there has been goodness in the land that I will bear witness to. We will travel to institutes that have gone on to heal the people affected by the atrocities.
I made the decision somewhat quickly, though with good discernment. The desire to return to school had been there for a few months but suddenly all the signs seemed to say, go this way, and go now. I had already booked a winter vacation so the timing was not great but the calling on my heart was strong and so I leaped into the decision. Now I trust that all will be as it should. Like the disciples, I do not understand everything even when I see the goodness and know that it is my Beloved calling to me, but I am standing on unshakeable ground.
The mountaintop experience awaits me. I know, much like Abram, that when God makes a promise, it will be better than we can even begin to imagine. All I must be is faithful. I know I shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Life Vision
“A philosophy of life: I'm an adventurer, looking for treasure.” ~ Paulo Coelho,The Alchemist: A Fable About Following Your Dream
I am not sure if I ever shared this on my blog before but as I reflect on Lent and who Christ is, there is also a need to know clearly and deeply who I am. I wrote this in my 50th year, when I took the Alaskan cruise and Stephanie Staples introduced me to Life Vision Statements. Here is mine:
Life Vision Statement:
Life is an amazing adventure of receiving an abundance of gifts and returning them joyfully to the Giver. I live in celebration, finding God in all things, deepening my awareness that a Presence holds me lovingly and tenderly. I greet each new day with hope and happiness, expecting blessings and miracles.
My main purpose in life is to serve God wholeheartedly and single-mindedly. While my work is fulfilling, it does not define me. It calls forth my gifts and satisfies me. At the same time, I recognize the Abundance that is given to me and the desire to serve the least of these through volunteer efforts and community involvement.
I treat my parents and siblings with the respect and love they need to be whole persons. I teach my godchildren that they are loved and worthy citizens of our world. I am faithful in all my relationships. I am engaged in a community that points towards Truth, justice, mercy and peace. The members keep me accountable and honest.
I live my life fully and completely as a single woman, celebrating all my hopes and dreams “happily ever now” while open to meeting someone who will complement me in “a happily ever after.”
I live in the moment, clinging neither to past sorrows or successes, nor looking forward with great anticipation or fear so as to rejoice in the gifts of the Present. I live in awe, wonder and gratitude, surrounded by loving and affirming friends who rejoice with me in the Gift we have received. All that I need I will be given. I have enough and I am more than enough. I release fears and embrace challenge confidently, believing God is good and has a future of peace in store.
I seek continual learning, hoping to keep my mind active and open to new ideas. I use my time, talent and treasure for the good of the community. By learning new skills, I seek to improve myself, my family and friends, my community and my world.
I know what my body needs and respond accordingly. I take care of it and strive to find ways to heal it. I am gentle in regards to the limits that my body has.
I recognize the face of Christ in those I meet and long to be Light for this world. I live with integrity, making choices that will allow God to greet me at the end of my days with a joyous, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”
What is your statement?
Friday, February 22, 2013
Trust the Magic
“And suddenly you know: It's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.” ~ Meister Eckhart
A number of years ago, I somewhat skeptically attended a charismatic "Born in the Spirit" seminar. Funny how God works. It turned out to be one of the most amazing prayer experiences I had. The group of people who were selected to pray with me were good friends. One of them had this beautiful image of Jesus joyfully handing me a silver platter of gift boxes, all different sizes. I think that this has been true, especially lately. I am feeling so incredibly blessed. I know that the responsibility that comes with these gifts has a cost and yet my core being sings with a glorious yes.
A few short weeks ago, I made a snap decision to return part-time to university. Today I found out that a number of things have been quickly approved and while I cannot yet share all the details, the excitement is overwhelming. I had been pondering it on and off for several months but one day, I just knew I should do this thing. Doubt crept into my heart for a little while but I yanked it out, and planted peace and trust instead. The result is nothing short of magical.
The pieces of the puzzle have not fallen into place easily. Papers got lost, people did not know how to proceed. Deadlines came and went. Prices went up. Obstacles banged against me. I just kept breathing, knowing that one or two people were praying with me. I leaned into God, trusting that if this calling was placed on my heart by the One who created me, that I would be fine. If it were not meant to be, then I had lost nothing. If I had not heard the Voice of my Beloved, then so be it. The plans would not unfold. I held hands wide open and as I perceived all would be well, I breathed into the experience even as the next twist came upon the road. I just leaned into God with more abandonment during those curves.
I will be a student again and I have great excitement about the possibilities. I cannot wait to share it all with you, dear readers. At the same time, I have been taking this managing your arts career course and learning lots. I recognize the magic here too of the newness. I was also asked to speak at Motivational Mondays and wonder what gift I will bring there and how the blessings will flow back to the One who is opening these doors.
Join me in these new magical beginnings as they unfold.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Ask, Seek, Open
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." ~ Matthew 7:7
The gospel reading tonight is one of my favourites, one with powerful memories of God's grace working in my life. I learned an amazing lesson a quarter of a century ago when this verse haunted me for weeks. I know that God's plans for me are more spectacular than I can begin to ask or imagine. My prayers dissolve like dew in the morning sun before the Glory that is offered me. I ask for the yearnings of my heart only to discover that God will bless me in ways that are beyond my dreamings and more perfect than hoped for.
I often come before God now, knowing that I must ask, seek and knock but that I must be ready to ask for God's will for me, seek the Divine truth, and be open to the unfolding of my prayer, though it may not even slightly resemble what my feeble and limited mind has conjured up. I live in hope and faith as one of the beloved. I know God will not give me a snake but will bless me with abundance at the right time and in the perfect way. I have come to realize that hope is an odd entity--that once you reach the state of grace of being able to ask, seek and be opened that the outcome is not something to cling to but to simply wait and know that all will be well.
Ask with a pure heart and a deep desire that your will is in accordance with the Creator and serenity should rest upon your spirit in the waiting.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Dreams of Heaven
"Ask yourself whether the dream of heaven and greatness should be waiting for us in our graves - or whether it should be ours here and now and on this earth." ~ Ayn Rand
We dream of heaven and all that awaits us rather than embrace what is before us. God is a great Giver and certainly would not withhold gifts until some future date when they could be lavished upon us now. God wants us to live fully, celebrating each moment. My heart longs to be united with the divine here, not just in my dreams or some distant era. Don't wait--seek out beauty, truth, joy, serenity, and the sacred here. Then when you get to heaven, rather than feeling as if you are dreaming, you will instead be slipping on a comfortable, favourite coat that has been well-worn. You will have arrived home.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Not the End of the World
"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly." ~Richard Bach
People approach things differently. Perspective is everything. What someone thinks is the end of the world can be a positive life-altering event instead. An experience that transforms someone into a new creation is a beginning and an opportunity. The caterpillar served its purpose but it is now given the chance to soar to new heights and to bring new beauty to a world in need. How many of us would prefer to remain a caterpillar?
Be open to change. Exciting adventures await.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Who is Your Hero?
"I will perhaps be one day acknowledged as more than a leader of the Half-breeds, and if I am I will have an opportunity of being acknowledged as a leader of good in this great country." ~ Louis Riel
Manitoba is celebrating its founder today with Louis Riel Day, a statutory holiday for many, but not all, people. Riel was, and in some eyes, still is, a controversial figure. Sometimes we understand better when we look backwards. Today though he is primarily seen as someone who was a leader of good.
That phrase begs the question of how do you want to be seen after your death. What legacy do you desire to leave behind? Is it one of good?
Sunday, February 17, 2013
"Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil." ~ Luke 4:1-2
Jesus was tempted by the devil for forty days. Why do we think we get off easy? I was at Mardi Gras last night and while it was tamer than I expected, looking around one did not have to search for temptation very hard. The outfits, the body painting, the bead-throwing, the encouragement to flash breasts, the drag queens, and the handling of partners on the dance floor. I was aware that one could get pleasure of every kind.
Jesus was tempted with regular issues: food for hunger, fame, and the desire for security. I received an invitation to be part of the excitement as I entered Mardi Gras last night that said I looked amazing. Strut my stuff was the suggestion--all about ego and pride. We often do not even know the devil is placing temptation in our path.
The evening was fun for us but I wonder how many other people went home feeling sad and lonely or regretting what had transpired during the event.
Temptations lie all around us. We are no different than Jesus with how many we encounter and how every day they appear to be. May Lent give you eyes to see what may trap you.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Boating with God
and I have become
like two giant fat people living
in a tiny
keep bumping into
each other
and laughing.
~ Hafiz
This morning was absolutely gorgeous! Driving down the street the tree boughs glistened with a new dusting of snow and the air had diamonds sparkling in it. I was so distracted that I wanted to pull over and just watch the magic out of sheer delight. God does such amazing decorating.
I love this quote by Hafiz because I can imagine living this close to God and having so much fun together. I think this morning I would have kept tugging on God's sleeve, announcing, "Look what You've done! It is so stunning!" Then we would have laughed joyously together.
When was the last time you bumped up against God and had a good laugh together?
Friday, February 15, 2013
Music Stills
"And the night shall be filled with music,
And the cares that infest the day
Shall fold their tents like the Arabs
And as silently steal away."
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, The Day Is Done
I love music but it has been a long time since I have gone out to listen to it. This year that has changed. Once again tonight, I found myself settling in after a long week's work and listening to music. I love how the softness of the song washes away the stress of the day.
When was the last time you reinstated into your life something you love to do?
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Out on a Limb
"Go out on a limb: that's where the fruit is!" ~ Jeannie B. Counts
Every once in awhile, I get the urge to do something crazy and tiptoe out on a limb and discover the tasty fruit that is just out of safety's reach. It is Valentine's Day, a commercial day I do not like. I am spending it with a group of folks I love--the only single person in the group. I often feel as if I am out on a limb in these moments where other singles might be tempted to hide or go out on some disastrous date to be able to talk about what they did.
I have actually just gone out on a huge limb as of yesterday. I am not sure how this will all turn out but I am hopeful that it will be an awesome experience. I can say more soon about that but it will be a life-changer.
How is your heart today? When was the last time you tasted ripe, juicy fruit just beyond your comfort zone?
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Life Lent
"Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me." ~Psalm 51
I took this photo on a bright sunny day in Old Montreal one summer, captivated by the way the light and shadow fell upon these stone hearts. Are we all not hearts of both shadow and light? Lent reminds us of this fact.
Lent is an opportunity for the priest to not only mark our foreheads with ashes and the sign of the cross, but also for Christ to reach in and mark our hearts. It is a time of repositioning for those who have "missed the mark" and to actively choose to return to a path of holiness. Now is the time to ask challenging questions. Who has my heart? What has my heart? Can I embrace both my shadow and light and still comprehend that I am a child of the Beloved? How shall I pray more? From what shall I fast? What shall I give? Lent is so much more than giving up something. It is giving in to what you were created for and returning to the mark. Lent is a time to stand eyes wide open in the desert and search for the gifts that will be given, the grace that will be bestowed upon the one who is fearless enough to be there faithfully and prayerfully.
Lent is a call to transformation of self and community. This journey is not meant to be a solo adventure. These forty days are meant to not only change our own hearts, but those around us. Whatever we choose to give up or add on this Lent, it should be for the greater good.
Where does one even begin to consider how better to pray, what to abstain from, and what to bless? Search your heart, that place of shadow and light and the answers should appear. What tempts you most? What do you hesitate to say no to? What cries yes for all the wrong reasons? What is it in your life that holds you in bondage? How do you want to step towards freedom? Who needs the gifts that you have been withholding? How much time do you return to God and what does that look like?
Lent should be life-giving, leading to renewal at Easter in the context of the resurrection. This is not a race to renewed holiness that one passes or fails. It is an opportunity to grow deeper in grace, accept our darkness with our light in profound ways, and have our hearts renewed. Lent is about recognizing that our lives are lent to us. They are not our own. We come from ashes and will return to ashes. We are called in these forty days to keep our eyes on the Great Giver and to fall more deeply in love with this Holy One. Choose wisely how you will spend your Lent.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Eyes on the Prize
"A study conducted at Yale University found that only 3% of the students had written goals. Twenty years later, those 3% were worth more financially than the other 97% combined." ~ Course notes Module 2 on Goals
What are your goals and what do you do with them? Writing goals down help to keep you accountable. They also help someone like me remember that I had such goals. I came across a list of goals I had made in September and was glad to see that many of them had been accomplished already and I could get on with the remaining ones that had slipped out of the forefront of my brain.
I have been thinking about goals lately as I push into my final weeks of losing 10 pounds before I head off to my winter sun destination. I am not failing miserably at some of the outcomes but I am not losing much weight. I think I need to refine my goals and write them down. With Lent's advent, I can perhaps reach them by giving up some habits and taking on new ones. I have 40 days to go for my beach body!
What goals are you trying to accomplish? Write them down in specific, simple language and ensure that you can track their progress. Put them within reasonable sight and go for them. Believe in the possibilities of what they mean in your life. Keep your eyes on the prize.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Amazing Results
"Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy." ~ Norman Vincent Peale
This arts course I am taking brings me face to face with all my insecurities. I think my greatest barrier during these thirteen weeks will be to believe in myself and have faith in my abilities. I think everyone wants to be a photographer these days and it would be easy to shrug my shoulders and say that I am one of a million people. The challenge is to say that the gift I have been given is meant to be shared for the glory of God and for my own freedom and expression.
Even with this blog, self-criticism is easy. I can sing the praises of other bloggers but struggle to promote mine. I delight in seeing people from all over the world read this and my secret hope is that they are blessed by it. The reasonable confidence is lacking at some moments! Lord, have mercy! Life is rarely a fairy tale where the magic wand converts your future into something amazing without hard work. Often that miracle begins with a shift inside to a place of loving acceptance and pride.
What I am loving lately is that I am continuing to step past my fears and step into the discomfort zone, sometimes with surprising results. Having belief and faith make that leap a wee bit safer because I lean into the One who has given the gifts and knows what I can do much better than I do.
When was the last time you believed in yourself and leapt forward with humble confidence with amazing results?
This arts course I am taking brings me face to face with all my insecurities. I think my greatest barrier during these thirteen weeks will be to believe in myself and have faith in my abilities. I think everyone wants to be a photographer these days and it would be easy to shrug my shoulders and say that I am one of a million people. The challenge is to say that the gift I have been given is meant to be shared for the glory of God and for my own freedom and expression.
Even with this blog, self-criticism is easy. I can sing the praises of other bloggers but struggle to promote mine. I delight in seeing people from all over the world read this and my secret hope is that they are blessed by it. The reasonable confidence is lacking at some moments! Lord, have mercy! Life is rarely a fairy tale where the magic wand converts your future into something amazing without hard work. Often that miracle begins with a shift inside to a place of loving acceptance and pride.
What I am loving lately is that I am continuing to step past my fears and step into the discomfort zone, sometimes with surprising results. Having belief and faith make that leap a wee bit safer because I lean into the One who has given the gifts and knows what I can do much better than I do.
When was the last time you believed in yourself and leapt forward with humble confidence with amazing results?
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Looking for Miracles
"The challenging thing becomes
Not to look for miracles
but finding where there isn't one"
~ lyrics to Holy Now by Peter Mayer
This morning I was in bed checking my Facebook account and was given the grace of this amazing song to start my day. I could have written this anthem. I am a firm believer that everything is holy and that my eyes must catch as many miracles as I can in a day. I choose to live with this attitude. When I lose it, my day is not half as appealing as when I capture it.
Today's readings state the same:
"Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory." ~ Isaiah 6:2
"They shall sing of the ways of the Lord, for great is the glory of the Lord." ~ Psalm 138
"By the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me has not been in vain." ~ 1 Corinthians 15
"And when they had done this, they caught so many fish that their nets were beginning to break." ~ Luke 5:6
I think what struck me today was the overabundance with which Jesus blesses our lives. I could not help but wonder what it must have been like to start drawing up the nets after reluctantly casting them into the water after a night of no luck. This catch was more than they had ever seen. They had fished the night without Christ and caught nothing but with the Lord, they had more than they would ever need. Isn't that awesome how that works? When we lean upon the Lord, the blessings are amazing. I am learning that.
I am mesmerized too that the crowds could not seem to get enough of his wisdom. I think with my Ignatian background, I seek God in all things and so it is easy to see God or hear the Voice of Wisdom or smell the Spirit wafting through the air. Great is God's glory!!
Jesus responds to Simon's feelings of inadequacies by encouraging him not to be afraid but to come and follow. Our response may not be as radical as Simon Peter's once we too get over our fears of unworthiness but I hope one day that I could be ready to leave all things and follow. For now, I am trusting that wherever I am led, I will be given the graces I need to follow and that this grace will not have been given in vain.
What miracle have you seen this day?
Not to look for miracles
but finding where there isn't one"
~ lyrics to Holy Now by Peter Mayer
This morning I was in bed checking my Facebook account and was given the grace of this amazing song to start my day. I could have written this anthem. I am a firm believer that everything is holy and that my eyes must catch as many miracles as I can in a day. I choose to live with this attitude. When I lose it, my day is not half as appealing as when I capture it.
Today's readings state the same:
"Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory." ~ Isaiah 6:2
"They shall sing of the ways of the Lord, for great is the glory of the Lord." ~ Psalm 138
"By the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me has not been in vain." ~ 1 Corinthians 15
"And when they had done this, they caught so many fish that their nets were beginning to break." ~ Luke 5:6
I think what struck me today was the overabundance with which Jesus blesses our lives. I could not help but wonder what it must have been like to start drawing up the nets after reluctantly casting them into the water after a night of no luck. This catch was more than they had ever seen. They had fished the night without Christ and caught nothing but with the Lord, they had more than they would ever need. Isn't that awesome how that works? When we lean upon the Lord, the blessings are amazing. I am learning that.
I am mesmerized too that the crowds could not seem to get enough of his wisdom. I think with my Ignatian background, I seek God in all things and so it is easy to see God or hear the Voice of Wisdom or smell the Spirit wafting through the air. Great is God's glory!!
Jesus responds to Simon's feelings of inadequacies by encouraging him not to be afraid but to come and follow. Our response may not be as radical as Simon Peter's once we too get over our fears of unworthiness but I hope one day that I could be ready to leave all things and follow. For now, I am trusting that wherever I am led, I will be given the graces I need to follow and that this grace will not have been given in vain.
What miracle have you seen this day?
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Fanning Flames
“Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.” ~ Rumi
I attended an awesome workshop today for emerging artists. The keynote speaker was enthusiastic. The panel consisted of three artists, but one in particular caught my attention with his gratitude and affirmation. He seemed so well-balanced and spoke highly of his colleagues on the panel. He was definitely fanning flames. He had a passion that was contagious and inspiring.
I am taking this course on how to manage my art career (which I keep telling myself is emerging) and the instructor was one of the presenters today. She encourages us all to set our lives on fire and is fanning my flames. She always has a positive word for me. It is lovely to be around people like that.
With whom do you surround yourself? Do you hang out with people who wear you down? Convince you that you can't? Limit you to maybe instead of yes? Or are you buoyed up by blessings bestowed upon you by those who are your fans? Do you have a cheerleading club who jumps for joy with each leap of faith you make? Seek those who help fuel the fire and set the world ablaze. We need your gifts.
I attended an awesome workshop today for emerging artists. The keynote speaker was enthusiastic. The panel consisted of three artists, but one in particular caught my attention with his gratitude and affirmation. He seemed so well-balanced and spoke highly of his colleagues on the panel. He was definitely fanning flames. He had a passion that was contagious and inspiring.
I am taking this course on how to manage my art career (which I keep telling myself is emerging) and the instructor was one of the presenters today. She encourages us all to set our lives on fire and is fanning my flames. She always has a positive word for me. It is lovely to be around people like that.
With whom do you surround yourself? Do you hang out with people who wear you down? Convince you that you can't? Limit you to maybe instead of yes? Or are you buoyed up by blessings bestowed upon you by those who are your fans? Do you have a cheerleading club who jumps for joy with each leap of faith you make? Seek those who help fuel the fire and set the world ablaze. We need your gifts.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Magic Awaits!
“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” ~ W.B. Yeats
We walk through life asleep some days. We miss the beauty that surrounds us continuously. If we but open our eyes, we catch a glimpse of it here, there, and over yonder. The wind whispers to look, coaxing us to pay attention to the miracle right in front of us. Ah, see the hoarfrost on the trees on this crisp morning. Ooh, how glorious is that tree with the amazing roots! Wow! I think that splash of colour is amazing.
How attentive are you to the magic that is around you?
We walk through life asleep some days. We miss the beauty that surrounds us continuously. If we but open our eyes, we catch a glimpse of it here, there, and over yonder. The wind whispers to look, coaxing us to pay attention to the miracle right in front of us. Ah, see the hoarfrost on the trees on this crisp morning. Ooh, how glorious is that tree with the amazing roots! Wow! I think that splash of colour is amazing.
How attentive are you to the magic that is around you?
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Value Visioning
"It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are." ~Roy Disney
I have been trying to discern a decision about returning to school. That ended today when I applied for a letter of continuance. I love learning. I value education. I believe in investing in myself. I did not have to discern long to reach this decision.
What do you value? Why? How do you reach important decisions? What motivators assist you in making your decisions?
I have been trying to discern a decision about returning to school. That ended today when I applied for a letter of continuance. I love learning. I value education. I believe in investing in myself. I did not have to discern long to reach this decision.
What do you value? Why? How do you reach important decisions? What motivators assist you in making your decisions?
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Living Deeply
"People living deeply have no fear of death." ~ Anais Nin
When I was on an Alaskan cruise during my 50th year, there was a polar bear dip that people were invited to do. I passed on that but whenever I think about the moments when my heart has been fullest and my spirit has been most free, it is due to living deeply in the moment that is offered. I have been so blessed by that. I know no fear of death in those situations because I realize that I have lived well.
Lent begins in a week. Looking toward that profound gift of life-changing choices, how deeply do you want to live Lent so that you have no fear of death?
When I was on an Alaskan cruise during my 50th year, there was a polar bear dip that people were invited to do. I passed on that but whenever I think about the moments when my heart has been fullest and my spirit has been most free, it is due to living deeply in the moment that is offered. I have been so blessed by that. I know no fear of death in those situations because I realize that I have lived well.
Lent begins in a week. Looking toward that profound gift of life-changing choices, how deeply do you want to live Lent so that you have no fear of death?
Monday, February 4, 2013
You are Astonishing Light
"I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being." ~ Hazif
Young adults need a good portion of unconditional loving. I have been struck lately how much we all need a solid foundation underneath us but how if it is not received when we are young that the rest of life takes the hit. I sent an early morning text and then another one at noon today to encourage a dear one on her first day at post-secondary schooling. I know stepping beyond comfort zones is challenging. My own "firsts" require a certain amount of courage.
I start a new course tomorrow evening and I am feeling the stretch and all the dark voices crowding in, buzzing as they try to find my vulnerable "not good enough" spot. I could resonate today with my dear one's fragility.
Do we ever see our own astonishing light without being loved first? Be gentle and encouraging to someone today. Start early in someone's life to bless them and hold up the mirror so that they can see how beautifully they shine.
Young adults need a good portion of unconditional loving. I have been struck lately how much we all need a solid foundation underneath us but how if it is not received when we are young that the rest of life takes the hit. I sent an early morning text and then another one at noon today to encourage a dear one on her first day at post-secondary schooling. I know stepping beyond comfort zones is challenging. My own "firsts" require a certain amount of courage.
I start a new course tomorrow evening and I am feeling the stretch and all the dark voices crowding in, buzzing as they try to find my vulnerable "not good enough" spot. I could resonate today with my dear one's fragility.
Do we ever see our own astonishing light without being loved first? Be gentle and encouraging to someone today. Start early in someone's life to bless them and hold up the mirror so that they can see how beautifully they shine.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Great Love
"Now faith, hope and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love." ~ 1 Corinthians 13:13
Today's second reading is well-known, even by non-Christians. Often read at weddings, the reading on love in Corinthians reminds us of what pure love should look like. The qualities are beautiful and challenging. Loving is no easy task.
In the Gospel, we see Jesus filled with great power through the Holy Spirit, announcing the wonders of Scripture and how that very day the words were being fulfilled. Those listening were amazed and could scarcely believe that Joseph's son could be so articulate and wise. In life, we need people who will love us for who we are, not just for who they think we are. We need people to believe in us, to see that as adults we may not be the same people we were as youths. We may have put away our childish ways and embraced a new way of living. The greatest gift you can give someone is to love them as they are--not as who you wish they were.
Today's second reading is well-known, even by non-Christians. Often read at weddings, the reading on love in Corinthians reminds us of what pure love should look like. The qualities are beautiful and challenging. Loving is no easy task.
In the Gospel, we see Jesus filled with great power through the Holy Spirit, announcing the wonders of Scripture and how that very day the words were being fulfilled. Those listening were amazed and could scarcely believe that Joseph's son could be so articulate and wise. In life, we need people who will love us for who we are, not just for who they think we are. We need people to believe in us, to see that as adults we may not be the same people we were as youths. We may have put away our childish ways and embraced a new way of living. The greatest gift you can give someone is to love them as they are--not as who you wish they were.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Trust Love
"To those who have given up on love, I say 'Trust life a little bit.'" ~ Maya Angelou
I spent part of the day with a young woman who I love dearly but who is slightly lost. I feel her confusion as she pushes limits and other people's buttons. All I want to do is hug her to pieces and tell her she is loveable. Barely an adult, I suspect she has given up on love, certainly self-love has no fighting chance with her. I wish so much more for young women--and even my age-mates. I too want to whisper, "Trust life! Richness and blessings await you. Believe!"
Today is the presentation of the child Jesus in the Temple, a day to recognize the Light and Love that came to earth to bring us life to the fullest.
Do you believe love comes in many forms and can sustain you in amazing ways?
I spent part of the day with a young woman who I love dearly but who is slightly lost. I feel her confusion as she pushes limits and other people's buttons. All I want to do is hug her to pieces and tell her she is loveable. Barely an adult, I suspect she has given up on love, certainly self-love has no fighting chance with her. I wish so much more for young women--and even my age-mates. I too want to whisper, "Trust life! Richness and blessings await you. Believe!"
Today is the presentation of the child Jesus in the Temple, a day to recognize the Light and Love that came to earth to bring us life to the fullest.
Do you believe love comes in many forms and can sustain you in amazing ways?
Friday, February 1, 2013
Doing What You Love
“The role of a writer is not to say what we can all say, but what we are unable to say.” ~ Anaïs Nin
Blogging has been an interesting hobby for me. I have loved writing since I was a wee one, beginning early in life to pour my imagination onto paper. My first memory of someone having a reaction to my words was in Grade 2 when the teacher asked if she could show my What I Want To Be When I Grow Up story to the principal. I thought I was in big trouble. It turned out that she thought my untraditional tale of living on a farm, owning horses, and becoming a flight attendant so that I could travel the world was fascinating.
It is February and the month of love and of heart smart behaviour. Doing what you love is important. I enjoy reading and writing. When I drag myself to the computer some nights to type up a blog, I am never sure what will come out of me. I write much better when I am energized but when I leave it for late, I am not sure I say much of anything. There are master word crafters who do much better than me but sometimes I nail a thought that has percolated in my mind, and maybe even the reader's mind, that brings insight, a flash of enlightenment that excites and stimulates. The words reflect off me into a reader's world and resonate.
During the month of February, do what you love daily. It is a short month so it will be over before you know it and who knows, by then it may even be a habit worth keeping.
Blogging has been an interesting hobby for me. I have loved writing since I was a wee one, beginning early in life to pour my imagination onto paper. My first memory of someone having a reaction to my words was in Grade 2 when the teacher asked if she could show my What I Want To Be When I Grow Up story to the principal. I thought I was in big trouble. It turned out that she thought my untraditional tale of living on a farm, owning horses, and becoming a flight attendant so that I could travel the world was fascinating.
It is February and the month of love and of heart smart behaviour. Doing what you love is important. I enjoy reading and writing. When I drag myself to the computer some nights to type up a blog, I am never sure what will come out of me. I write much better when I am energized but when I leave it for late, I am not sure I say much of anything. There are master word crafters who do much better than me but sometimes I nail a thought that has percolated in my mind, and maybe even the reader's mind, that brings insight, a flash of enlightenment that excites and stimulates. The words reflect off me into a reader's world and resonate.
During the month of February, do what you love daily. It is a short month so it will be over before you know it and who knows, by then it may even be a habit worth keeping.
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