“A philosophy of life: I'm an adventurer, looking for treasure.” ~ Paulo Coelho,
The Alchemist: A Fable About Following Your Dream
I am not sure if I ever shared this on my blog before but as I reflect on Lent and who Christ is, there is also a need to know clearly and deeply who I am. I wrote this in my 50th year, when I took the Alaskan cruise and Stephanie Staples introduced me to Life Vision Statements. Here is mine:
Life Vision Statement:
Life is an amazing adventure of receiving an abundance of gifts and returning them joyfully to the Giver. I live in celebration, finding God in all things, deepening my awareness that a Presence holds me lovingly and tenderly. I greet each new day with hope and happiness, expecting blessings and miracles.
My main purpose in life is to serve God wholeheartedly and single-mindedly. While my work is fulfilling, it does not define me. It calls forth my gifts and satisfies me. At the same time, I recognize the Abundance that is given to me and the desire to serve the least of these through volunteer efforts and community involvement.
I treat my parents and siblings with the respect and love they need to be whole persons. I teach my godchildren that they are loved and worthy citizens of our world. I am faithful in all my relationships. I am engaged in a community that points towards Truth, justice, mercy and peace. The members keep me accountable and honest.
I live my life fully and completely as a single woman, celebrating all my hopes and dreams “happily ever now” while open to meeting someone who will complement me in “a happily ever after.”
I live in the moment, clinging neither to past sorrows or successes, nor looking forward with great anticipation or fear so as to rejoice in the gifts of the Present. I live in awe, wonder and gratitude, surrounded by loving and affirming friends who rejoice with me in the Gift we have received. All that I need I will be given. I have enough and I am more than enough. I release fears and embrace challenge confidently, believing God is good and has a future of peace in store.
I seek continual learning, hoping to keep my mind active and open to new ideas. I use my time, talent and treasure for the good of the community. By learning new skills, I seek to improve myself, my family and friends, my community and my world.
I know what my body needs and respond accordingly. I take care of it and strive to find ways to heal it. I am gentle in regards to the limits that my body has.
I recognize the face of Christ in those I meet and long to be Light for this world. I live with integrity, making choices that will allow God to greet me at the end of my days with a joyous, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”
What is your statement?