Sunday, November 18, 2012


"At that time Michael, the great prince, the protector of your people, shall arise." ~ Daniel 12:1

Eschatology is a fancy word...I like it. The reading today fits into the genre of this word: it is the study of the end of the world. As we prepare for the first coming of Christ during Advent, we reflect on the Second Coming and Judgement Day. Well, if I was so inclined I would. I know that next month is supposed to bring the end of the world with all the number 12s that will appear. Really, I am too busy living to think about not being able to schedule a coffee date at the end of December.

Michael, that great prince, is a majestic creature that is busy protecting me and others who believe in his great power. I am grateful for the angels in my life that keep watch over me. Perhaps that is why living each day is what is on my mind, and not worrying about the end times. I want to live until I go Home.



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