Friday, February 18, 2011

Fifty: Shine On!

Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining. ~ Anne Lamott

Fifty!! This is post number 50. Wow!! It’s hard to believe it. I have not missed a post so far, even with travels across the province. I am sure I won’t totally maintain the daily efforts but just the same it has been a good exercise for me.

A friend asked recently why I was doing this. I do enjoy the writing. I have always loved to write. However it is more than that. I am hoping that some readers will be inspired. Perhaps something that I write encourages someone to do something to celebrate their own life. Maybe some folks will find courage to step forward on their own journey because of something they read here.

I am not sure who is reading this blog. Besides the seven known followers, I see several of my American friends tuning in from time to time. I also have readers in the United Kingdom, Denmark, and Russia bringing the countries up to six (Canadian and Singapore followers). I have no idea who those people are but how cool is that?! I am not sure I know anyone personally in Russia or Denmark but thanks for clicking on even briefly.

Fabulous at fifty!! I am not sure how many of you are finding this useful. Some nights I come doggone tired to the computer and puke my thoughts. Other moments I do have more profound things to say. Anne Lamott is a great writer. I love her stuff. This quote makes me think about how we just need to live our lives and be who we are—just be the gifts we are to this world. We cannot go running around like headless chickens trying to create something that we are not mean to. We are simply to be—who we are, where we are—all the time shining brightly. Even when we are tired and feel like we have nothing to contribute, a pinprick of light against the darkness is still bright. Shine on people. The world needs you.




  1. Hey, slow down there! 50 posts....

    Way to go! It does get compelling after awhile - hard to stop once you get into the habit...welcome to the daily craziness!

  2. Happy 50th blog, Suzanne. I've been a faithful reader since day 1 and I find myself checking for updates on a daily basis. I enjoy reading your insights and questions. You may even inspire me to start up my own blog at one point.

    I find today's post particularly meaningful. Maybe it's the light/darkness imagery. When I came back from Nanaimo, I was struck and energized by the brilliant sunshine of the Prairies. Nanaimo was pretty and it was nice to get out of the cold for a bit, but there was something golden about the sunlight here that I caught my attention.

    Keep up the good work.

  3. Thanks for the encouragement, gentlemen! I had noted, interestingly enough that my African blog has 50 posts as well--written over a longer time period.

    Winnipeg, the sunniest place in Canada! What is not to love about it. Well, as I get ready for an afternoon of snowshoeing, maybe the windchill?

    I may miss my first blog entry tonight if I decided to stay overnight in the country.
