By choosing to be vulnerable and to risk a leap of faith, (the Magi) discovered an unexpected gift much greater than the ones there were ready to offer. ~ A. Chezzi
Today is the Feast of the Epiphany, a celebration that I love. I have thrown a few Epiphany parties in the past where people come dressed as royalty, and bearing gifts for the Christ child (in the form of items for the local food bank). Those were some of the best parties! Some day, when I have a home that allows enough space to throw a party like that again, I will reinstate that event.
My Christmas letter this year examined the journey of the Magi to some extent: I think about those shepherds and Wise Men and see the difference between them. The shepherds were not seeking anything that starry night when the angel appeared and scared them almost to death. The Magi were on a mission. I don’t know which I am—maybe a bit of both. Some days, I suspect, I stand, like those shepherds, in the field in the dark of night, trying simply to be faithful to the task at hand and knowing God will bless what comes of it. Other times, I am ready to jump on my camel and travel with a burning heart and a clear purpose. Either way, Emmanuel is there. My heart must just be ready to recognize the Star Light or the angel’s voice. Whether it starts with the shepherd’s fears or the Magi’s curiosity, the journey has the potential to transform us. I will be given all that I need for the circuitous expedition, with all its unexpected destinations and detours. As I enter this year of jubilee, I trust that more than I can articulate. I have no idea what this year will hold for me but I do know that looking back on my life, the One who came to Earth that starlight night is with me and that is enough.
This morning, my devotional reading had the opening quote from Chezzi who also challenged readers to be risk-takers by taking a leap of faith and leave the security of the known and step into the unknown. Let go and jump!! Easy for some—personally, I am scared of heights. Even this blog is a huge risk for me. Part of me feels it is quite self-indulgent; another part thinks it makes me crazily vulnerable to unhealthy scrutiny. I am still gonna do it. Many of you will remember that when I turned 40, I tried 40 new things. That was a year of taking risks and I have loved that lesson and tried to continue living it out. Maybe I will discover an unexpected gift much greater than the one I have to offer by writing this blog. Regardless, I am putting my gift out there.
Today is the Feast of the Epiphany, a celebration that I love. I have thrown a few Epiphany parties in the past where people come dressed as royalty, and bearing gifts for the Christ child (in the form of items for the local food bank). Those were some of the best parties! Some day, when I have a home that allows enough space to throw a party like that again, I will reinstate that event.
My Christmas letter this year examined the journey of the Magi to some extent: I think about those shepherds and Wise Men and see the difference between them. The shepherds were not seeking anything that starry night when the angel appeared and scared them almost to death. The Magi were on a mission. I don’t know which I am—maybe a bit of both. Some days, I suspect, I stand, like those shepherds, in the field in the dark of night, trying simply to be faithful to the task at hand and knowing God will bless what comes of it. Other times, I am ready to jump on my camel and travel with a burning heart and a clear purpose. Either way, Emmanuel is there. My heart must just be ready to recognize the Star Light or the angel’s voice. Whether it starts with the shepherd’s fears or the Magi’s curiosity, the journey has the potential to transform us. I will be given all that I need for the circuitous expedition, with all its unexpected destinations and detours. As I enter this year of jubilee, I trust that more than I can articulate. I have no idea what this year will hold for me but I do know that looking back on my life, the One who came to Earth that starlight night is with me and that is enough.
This morning, my devotional reading had the opening quote from Chezzi who also challenged readers to be risk-takers by taking a leap of faith and leave the security of the known and step into the unknown. Let go and jump!! Easy for some—personally, I am scared of heights. Even this blog is a huge risk for me. Part of me feels it is quite self-indulgent; another part thinks it makes me crazily vulnerable to unhealthy scrutiny. I am still gonna do it. Many of you will remember that when I turned 40, I tried 40 new things. That was a year of taking risks and I have loved that lesson and tried to continue living it out. Maybe I will discover an unexpected gift much greater than the one I have to offer by writing this blog. Regardless, I am putting my gift out there.
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