Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. ~ Mark Twain
I was home sick today and so caught Oprah who is in Australia this week. I LOVE to travel. Australia is on my to-go list and one day I will get there. Those of you who know me, know that I don’t mind traveling alone. I have friends scattered all over the globe and have taken the opportunity to visit when opportunities arise.
My family always traveled and so I got the travel bug early. As a family, we would load up into our old station wagon or later our half-ton truck and away we’d head. Every year there was a trip as well as summers spent on beautiful Lake Winnipeg.
Right after high school, a group of my friends and I went to Hawaii and had a blast. As a young adult, I set out to a friend’s wedding in Greece and I never stopped traveling. I kicked about Greece on my own before and after the wedding and fell madly, deeply, and passionately in love with seeing the world, its beauty and its people and culture. I have a goal to get to every continent and as many countries as I can. I have managed to visit North America (ok, that is a no brainer since I live here), Europe, and Africa. I would love to get to Asia this year to visit my friend who is teaching there and Australia and South America at some point before I die. Antarctica had appeal at one point but as the windchill here in Winnipeg is –35 at this moment in time somewhere colder is just not a big attraction. If I do six of the seven, I would be pretty darn happy.
The photo is in the Canadian Rockies where I spent some time with a friend of mine two summers ago. Isn’t Canada a gorgeous country? Leave that safe harbour. I would hate for you to be disappointed by the things you did not do or the places you did not visit before you die. Dream big!! Discover much. You might surprise yourself when you do, right, Jeff? Hee hee. Celeste, wouldn't you agree?
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