A brother is a friend provided by nature. ~ Legouve Pere
My brother is celebrating a birthday today. He and my younger sister enjoy his birthday at an earlier stage in life in the above photo. Dan is the only boy in our family. He was firstborn among the kids. He and I are just a couple of years apart and growing up, I idolized him. So much so my mom wondered if I would ever transform into a girl from my tomboy state. I would play football, hockey, and baseball with the boys. I was caught climbing trees, even in my dresses.
We are still good friends though we have lived quite a few miles apart over the past two decades. In our family he was the entertainer. He always had us laughing so it is no surprise that as an adult he is now a humour writer. You can check out his blog at http://thatdanguy.blogspot.com if you want to get a sense of who he is. I don’t think it is a fluke that we both write. In many ways, I think he encouraged me to create stories. Our styles and audiences are different but the passion for writing is similar.
I won’t tell any tales out of school, bro, so if you’re getting nervous reading this, relax. I will just say that we also share an uncanny phenomena around numbers, especially 11. I often look at a clock as it turns 1:11 or 11:11. Weird but so does he if you read his blog.
Happy birthday, bro!! Have a great year. It is 2011 so it should have a special effect for ya.
And no worries on the "tales out of school". Like Ruth always says, nothing is sacred in The Such Is Life household...
Thanks Sis!!
You're welcome! Any time.