"There is never not enough." ~ Fr. Trevor Scott, sj during a homily today
Trevor Scott celebrated mass this morning and wrapped up his homily with these words. He has been a Jesuit priest for all of one week. If this morning was any indication of God's providence for him, he will be an excellent priest and Jesuit. He gave a beautiful children's homily before speaking to the adults in the crowd.
The Gospel reading today was the feeding of the five thousand. I needed to hear these words as I prepare to leave for South Africa--to be assured that there will be enough time, mostly, and enough patience, enough sleep, enough love, enough mercy, and enough letting go. Jesus proves to us that when we walk with him, we not only have enough, we have more than enough in ways that we cannot even begin to imagine. Before we even become aware of what we need, God has it. All shall be well.
I love that Trevor also stressed that God cannot do it all alone but needs us to help bless the world. We need to be co-creators to bring about God's majestic plan.
When was the last time you saw the great Abundance that God blesses you with? How have you helped to ensure that others have more than enough?
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