"The days are surely coming, says the Lord..." Jeremiah 33:14
Ah, Advent....waiting...for the Lord, for the day, to come. The readings of this first Sunday are not cheery. They do not really paint a Hallmark card photo of the Christmas we expect. No, instead they warn us that justice and righteousness will be executed, that our hearts should be strengthened in holiness so that we can stand blameless before our God, and and we should be on guard and alert at all times. That is a whole lot of commands that seem to bear grave consequences if unfilled.
The priest this morning told a story that he credited to Annie Dillard, though I have heard it cited to another writer. He talked about how Annie was watching a butterfly emerge slowly from its cocoon when she had the idea to warm it using a flame. The heat did indeed quicken the process but to her horror, the wings of the butterfly crumpled and it died because it had not taken the time required to be "reborn" properly.
Advent reminds us of this gift of waiting, in the dark spaces, in the rough spaces, in the mess, in the times of chastisement, and in the times of great fear. Advent also helps us recall why we are waiting--to embrace the child Jesus who has come to save us and free us from all of these things. Christmas is a great gift for many reasons, but today, the readings remind us that the days are surely coming...and we will be with Jesus. That is something to anticipate joyfully.
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