"Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these." ` Matthew 6:28
This week has been insane. On Sunday night my home computer caught a virus and I had to shut it down in the middle of doing an important project. Luckily, I had my trusty Netbook and so I completed some tasks and then went to bed. I knew I would be on the road for a few days with work, so I packed up my Netbook and went off. That evening, I was again working on the project when the same virus attacked. Ack!! I was computerless. How frustrating!
When I finally arrived home, I phoned my internet provider and spent five hours trying to fix both of them. Night three of going to bed after midnight. Sigh.
I have been stressed about a number of deadlines this week and without a computer I could not even write my blog. Today I am back in a somewhat more relaxed mode and hoping to get caught up on a number of things that this virus hijacked. Careful surfing the internet! There is a wicked virus out there--and do NOT click on the demand to pay for having it removed immediately. The virus is called false security alert I think. The server tech guy said I was one of the few people who he could actually help over the phone because I could still log on to my computer. Those that clicked on any of the links that came up were worse off than me.
I am considering the lilies of the field today with the projects that I have started. God will take care of me because I am much more to God than these beautiful lilies or the birds of the air. I am going to strive first for the Kingdom of God these next few weeks and hope that all I need will be given.
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